Mission 1,000,000

The main issues about sunlightug.com (Artists World).

1. To look forward as artists , especially Ugandan film makers.
a, To make or create post about your company or art industries every day, like photos, audios and videos.

b, Marketing movies, like to create online film festival through our website, creating coupon codes and share links to our social medias.

c, selling our movies.
d, to look sponsors for advertise their products, investors and Donnas.

e, to connect with each other.

So we have to make a meeting date to discuss the way forward.

Just know online is a better world.

So please let make it.
Visit www.sunlightug.com and visit to every page.

Question now.
2. Are you ready to work or partner with us? And you’re free to ask any question.


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