SunlightTV127 Videos


Final Testament episode 2

Final Testament By Pastor Wa Ghetto Jonathan k kabaka mugoberezi …. Jesus Christ….. Ensi nyangu nyo naye abantu ffe tugifuula enzibu olwe mitima gyaffe obuteyagaliza nga kwotade nobutagala kuyambaganira wamu. Abantu bangi bayina bebaayamba mukusooka nga basubiira nti nabo bwebalituuka ne bafuuna bali bayambako, obuzibu bwebafuna baberalabira. Kale nsaba tuyambagane nga mubuli mbeera era twerungamye […]

Family, Friends and funs🍿

Special invitation to those ones who still Loving Sunlight film productions, movies ,up to now. Dear lovely funs, friends and followers, now its time to celebrate 🥂 with us. please make sure to come at National Theatre for our special days of Enjoyment and learning. Film and Culture market  From 09-09-2024 up 11-09-2024, three days […]

Sunlight film productions Auditions

We have Auditions for casting of our #New feature movie called OLOKOKA DDI? ( Devil ends) written by Jonathan.k.kabaka So please dear lovely actors of sunlight film productions try to come early for your character. And others if you want to act ,also come. And just on that day also we have to shoot like two episodes […]

Season of Movies

Some people they like cows. Ente tezirya muddo gwakukiraalo, so ng’ate gubeera mugimu. Kale nebiseera ebisinga nabantu abamu tebagala kolagana neba neighbors. 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬 But this time try to make it. Time for Online If you need or not. Bwosumagira owedde. Dear lovely producers, we can use this platform and we get more money. Together […]


Sunlight film productions with Bugwood films uganda presents Kawenja as movie series  Synopsis Film ekwata ku bakawenja abasusse ensangi zino buli wamu.  Era tulaba Nkebete ne Kimyanso engeri gyebanonyamu Sente  Kawenja Ye muntu anonya Sente mubuli mbeera , mububi ne mu bulungi nga bakozesa engeri yokunonya Scrup mu bukutiya. Kaweesi Geoffrey  agenda kuzanyira nga Nkebete ate Jonathan.k.kabaka nga Kimyanso. Written by Jonathan K Kabaka. Produced by Jonathan K Kabaka and […]

Film & Culture @2023

Kampala Film development Foundation – (KFDF) supports Writers, Directors and Production companies by providing investment grants for the development, Production and Distribution of Film, television and Animation projects. We also fund a range of short film schemes to develop talent. 14,15 and 16  those days ………………………………………….. please visit for more info