

Come one, come all members and former members of sunlight film productions, now introduce you                         BALYEJUSSA.                                   ( Danger after Danger) Synopsis ; Film ekwata ku bantu abalogga banange, nga bagala okubatwalako […]

Final Testament@episode 8

Final Testament  Episode 8 by Jonathan K Kabaka Ghetto Pastor. Ekirungi ne Kibi. Mukama katonda yalaba nga byona birungi okuberawo. Oluberye berye katonda yasooka kuleeta birungi byerere ,eri buli kitonde, wabula yagenda okulaba nga bantu basiruwala busiruwazi olwemirembe emingi, kale katonda kwekuleeta ne Mr Kibi era abantu kwekudamu kumagezi era omuntu atanafuna ku bizibu obeera […]

You Blessed

Special Ways  Film makers we are  blessed, coz special tools to do anything. we can block everything through entertaining, so please let us love God with all their Angels. You have to praise God every time, love each other without Kusosola oba musiru, mugezi, mulungi, mubi, mugagga, mwavu, love her or him. One time One day, […]


Viewers Online Film Festivals 2024 Submission 20-07-2024 20-08-2024 Mission Film makers to be honest and successful in terms of money. Vision Teach people through entertaining. Our Target To market and promote film world wide. Categories Short film Future film Serie movies Documentary film Animation movie For more information +256 767 115 863   […]
Jonathan k Kabaka

Artists world programs @2024

1. To create Association of producers for distribution and marketing online of movies all over the Africa. 2. To look forward accordingly in sales and marketing on our site. 3. To connect with sponsors, donas and investors to advertise on our site.

@Love Concert

You will be coming at what time? Coz for me, I want to be with you full day. @Love concert Btn Me & you. Pretty please don’t stress your self with other guys. Just know am believe in God. That’s why I know that everything can be good for us. Good morning Queen Tisha. I […]

Board of Directors

Hosting by Jonathan k kabaka film star of Uganda.( Mr Sunlight) Mwanje Steven aka kabanana as President of ( Artists World) Association. Kisitu Stanley as Vice president. Ssekweyama Musitafa as minister of Finance. Christian Ssendi as Chief Advisor. Kinene Yusufu aka Mr Victor as Hon Speaker.   We need more support. We offer free advertising […]