Final Testament
Final Testament ( Return of Jesus )
Born again to come back in trust of God , please love each and every thing. Because the human all times can change him or her self.
Toset up your self in good ways. 2023 our Lord
now is visiting to good people in every thing.
Abantu bangi bagala obuyambi okuva ewa mukama Katonda naye singa naawe obeera oyamba mubuli mbeeea yona.
Kyangu nyo okufuna obuyambi from anywhere.
God bless you.
Abantu bangi bafuna obuyambi oba okusasirwa okuva Jah bless ,
Naye ate nebasalawo kwegulumiza bwegulumiza eri abalala.
Bulinga lwobeera nga obulungi singa webazanga bwebaza mukifo kyokwerabanga nga owenjawulo kubano ne kubalala.

Gosple songs is every important to you, than club songs
For more information ; jonathan.k.kabaka@gmail.com
+256700986522 , +256755379966